
Hello and straight in with a question!



Messages count : 1
Likes count : 0
Registration : 31 December 2008
Contact in PM
Hello all,

I've been a long time browser of this site and I've finally gotten myself around to signing up.

I'm here for a little advice; I'm currently employed as a full time graphic designer however I am exploring the idea of going part-time freelance.

I've 5 years experiance in my current job, during this time I have been fortunate enough to work on a number of different projects in varying areas. Unfortunately I have very little experiance in "dealing" with clients, as the mass majority of my work has been assigned to me by my boss.

I already have a few freelance projects under my belt though if I am honest these have been for relatives or friends of relatives, which is pratically cheating! :embarassed

This year I would like to start broadening my list of contacts, ideally in the area of web design . One way I have thought of achieving this is by approaching businesses that already have websites, however are in need of updating or redesigning.

So my question is this; what would be the best method for approaching a potential customer and what would be the best way of telling them their site is rubbish and that I can make a better one! :laugh2

Any advice would be much appreciated thankyou!

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