
Charging money upfront / Different fees for different clients?



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Registration : 11 November 2009
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I work as a freelance web designer, but I operate on 'two fronts'.

1. Most of my work comes from local web design companies and other freelancers
2. I have my own business which is targeted towards UK companies that need a new website

With regards to the 2nd point, I am always sure to get money upfront before starting any work. I find this is generally quite easy as I am in full control of the project, managing everything from start to finish.

But as I said, most of my work comes from other website design companies. I've noticed with several of them that there have been delays in the projects due to them waiting to hear from their clients.

This can therefore lead to a considerable delay in me getting paid.

I find that I am developing good, long-term relationships with many of the web companies / freelancers I work with, and so I am generally quite happy to do the work and get paid later.

Should I start requesting that these clients also pay me some of the money up front? I have a feeling this may put them off and seek another freelancer to do the work instead. It could also add a lot of extra time onto projects, as it normally takes a couple of weeks for my invoices to be paid.

Therefore if I demand some money upfront it could greatly increase the time it takes to finish off a project. If they want a quick turnaround then I shouldn't think they'll want the hassle of paying deposits.

What does everybody else think?

Also, should I charge the same fees to web companies as I do to my own clients? I've always been treating them the same, however some web companies I've spoken to expect me to charge less for them than I do for my own clients.

Any advice would be great :D


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