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Registered since : 26 April 2009

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Posted reply 26 October 2009 09:17

I recently responded to an ad for a logo design and was asked to come up with a few initial ideas. The agency website looked legit so I spent less than a day coming up with something that was practically a finished design. They loved it and asked to send through a business card mock up in high res so they can print it to show the client. I thought, well if i send through a pdf high res they can't do much with it anyway, so i sent it through explaining my costs and said let me know what the client thinks. they responded with a request for the original ai file so they could put 'their copyright stuff on it', it was indesign anyway. I don't understand what they would need to put on or why they would need the original file at this stage. Does this sound strange to anyone? Also, as I was given the client's contact details for the business card, is there anything stopping me contacting them directly saying I've done the design and can do all future work for them? I haven't signed anything.
Thanks for any help.
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Views: 1216

Posted reply 26 April 2009 18:57

Hi everyone, I'm new to this.

I'm wondering if anyone can give me advice, I don't seem to get very far with speaking to the inland revenue so I thought I'd ask real people.
My situation is difficult to explain but I'm sure it's not complicated in reality. I'm wanting to form a sort of collective with two other people so that we can all bring in potential business and share the workload. I don't want to do this on a permanent basis, just maybe every now and then when I'm strapped for cash, because I would like to possibly do it in the evenings and weekends if I get a full time job. We want to be able to invoice clients under a joint name and to share the payment how we choose. I don't want this to be a fully fledged company and don't want to deal with being liable for anything. It's purely a way of working for potentially big clients on one off projects as a group of freelancers essentially. Is this at all possible? I hope I've made sense. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Forum : General Forum
Replies: 5
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Views: 3588

Posted reply 26 April 2009 18:47

freelancing with others under one name


I'm new to this site and new to freelancing.
I think my issues are similar to what's being discussed.
I'm currently working on a project for a client with another person, under a name we have given ourselves. We haven't yet registered freelance or as a company as I'm not sure what is the best option. The best way for me to explain it is that I would like to freelance and work alongside this other person on projects every now and then, but I don't want to set up as a fully fledged company. It means that we are both sources of potential business and we can share workload, but I only want to do this every now and then if big projects come our way. We would like to invoice our clients under our collective name (rather than an individual) and share the payment how we decide. Is this at all possible? I hope this makes sense.

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