I've just been offered a freelance position doing admin work for a local company. It's not anything overly complex, basically it's checking clients accounts and making sure they're complying with the rules.
The company has asked me what I'd like as my hourly rate... please can someone give me a clue as to what is 'normal' for this kind of freelancing work in the UK? I'm not sure what to say!
I understand, it's not going to be an overnight walk in the park road to riches type thing 🙂 I don't mind working hard, I just want to focus on the right thing :)
I've been learning all week and really enjoying it so far. I'm a long way off selling my services, but Youtube and following online vids is teaching me heaps so far, then like you say I just need to learn my own style and spend a lot of hours experimenting!
Thanks again, I'm sure these forums will come in very useful along the way!
I'm new here, so apologies if my question seems very basic.
I've used Gimp frequently for designing bits and bobs for my affiliate website, but the site isn't bringing me anywhere near enough money in and I really need to start looking into doing something else.
I do enjoy designing with Gimp, so I just wondered, and here comes the daft basic question...
If I were to teach myself all the Adobe design programs, and become a freelance logo designer, would I be able to make a reasonable living, or would it be pretty difficult?
I've no idea how much people pay for logo design, but I looked up standard graphic design jobs on the job centre search (UK) and wages don't seem overly great... £20-£25k a year-ish.
Do freelancers earn about this much too? I have around 25 hours a week to dedicate to designing, and I can possibly add another 10 hours over the week if I work evenings too.
What's all of your honest opinions? Am I barking up the wrong tree if I think I can make a decent living at this from home? I'm willing to put the work in to learn the programs, and happy to get a website built and offer a few freebies to build my portfolio, but I just really don't want it all to be for nothing. After 18 months working solid on my affiliate site I'm feeling sore!
Thanks for your honest advice.
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