Business Account
hi all, have been looking around for a bank to set up a business account as I will be soon invoicing clients.Think the abbey is offereing the best account at the moment with things like the amount of business cheques per month etc. Any one got any recomendations??
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And seems like a good offer. Abbey looks OK too. Avoid Lloyds like the plague! Bunch of rip-off merchants, free for a while but then over £10 a month to operate a simple account where almost everything is done online :devil - I use Abbey, it's good.........however, one thing that does bug me is not being allowed to drop cheques into my local branch! :eyes totally insane, but that's the price you pay for a free biz account I suppose.........:confused2CGI Specialist
I am thinking of going with Abbey as I will have small amounts coming in.however, one thing that does bug me is not being allowed to drop cheques into my local branch!
How do you pay cheques in then?
Any other things to be aware of?? - I use the Alliance and Leicester through the post office - its easy to pay my cheques in as my local post office is around the corner - its free banking for a couple of years with online bankingNammie
You get a wadge of freepost envelopes, plus a paying-in all works fine, but I'd prefer to drop cheques in at the know it's been payed in then.Stufer, post: 3221 a écrit : I am thinking of going with Abbey as I will have small amounts coming in.
How do you pay cheques in then?
CGI Specialist - Thanks for your replies again!
I have the forms here to fill in for Abbey and just wanted to know whether:
1) If I will be accepted even if I only expect a small amount per annum (1-3k)
2) I need a fax number? - You can always download free fax software to get a number - try Right Fax - this used to be free - not sure now - you should be able to get a number here - and faxes go direct to emailNammie
- I use NatWest but its %#^%#^ . sorry. dont forget about PayPal its start to be very popular now.Simple website and flash designing
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