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Registration : 25 June 2008
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I'm relatively new to freelancing - been at it since February and after some opinions. I've been doing work mainly for one client and now they want me to work for them full-time after a pitch I helped with. It's good money and secure. But I don't know if I've given freelancing enough of a chance yet - has anyone been in this position before/does it happen a lot?

I have found freelancing scary and have considered bailing out and a move back to permanement but now the offer is there it seems very early days and like I've not done it 'proper' yet - thought of nine to five scares too. Does everyone feel scared at the start of freelancing - does it get better? I wanted to go freelance for years.

Also, I'm really flattered and above all don't want to burn any bridges or let them down - any thoughts?

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