Research Freelancing
Hi everyone!
I'm new to FreelanceUK though I have been dabbling with freelancing previously. I am now going to be doing it full time! Do you have any tips for someone new to FreelanceUK and freelancing in general? Especially want to hear from anyone who would class themselves as a researcher, analyst or data analyst. Is there much demand for this type of work on FreelanceUK?
I'm new to FreelanceUK though I have been dabbling with freelancing previously. I am now going to be doing it full time! Do you have any tips for someone new to FreelanceUK and freelancing in general? Especially want to hear from anyone who would class themselves as a researcher, analyst or data analyst. Is there much demand for this type of work on FreelanceUK?
- Contact in PM
Messages count : 2Likes count : 0Registration : 16 January 2023Congrats on going full-time! Networking is key, so connect on LinkedIn and reach out to potential clients. Build a solid portfolio to showcase your skills. Good luck! - Contact in PM
Messages count : 3Likes count : 1Registration : 23 November 2023My favorite piece of advice is to treat yourself like a business.
Some people get the idea that freelancing is somehow a separate entity but, in reality, you are simply a business of one.
Freelancers wear many hats, and if you forget to put on of them on for too long, such as your marketing hat, your business can become unbalanced. Even worse, when you have 3-6 months of work lined up you might not even notice right away that your lack of, in this example, marketing efforts are leading you to trouble.
Just because you don't have any caries now doesn't mean you shouldn't be brushing your teeth. Similarly, even when things are going well, it's critical to do the everyday tasks that keep your business healthy in the long run.
Good luck!