
Scary Stuff! Going self-employed only from today

VictoriaAnn Design

VictoriaAnn Design

Messages count : 7
Likes count : 0
Registration : 20 May 2009
Contact in PM
Hi guys,

I'm just finishing my glorious 9 months of maternity leave and after a brief telephone conversation with my boss, have been told that I can work for him on a self employed basis if I want to. I am going to meet him today at 1. :eek:

This means I will be able to work from home so can be around my baby, and I can advertise and take on other work. I work in graphic design so this fits nicely.

Bit scary because I'm going to have to do my accounts, invoices etc. I've already been working self employed but not on a large scale as I was always employed too - so my tax returns were very simple before! He says he can guarantee work so I hope that sticks.

Only problem I have is that he thinks I can work on long term projects that I have no idea about, I do graphic design and he wants me to install a shopping cart onto a web site! :confused: Not looking forward to telling him I can't.

So that's me anyway thought I'd drop in and introduce myself. Any advice welcome!


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