Why did you choose to go freelance?
If I can suss out how this poll thing works I thought it might be interesting to see the different reasons why we all chose to make the leap into going it alone.. any other reasons let us know in a sep post, be interesting to hear.
- In the media sector, there was a recent push by established outfits to set up their journos as ltd companies - the overheads, hassles of employment rights and seeing journos everyday probably motivated this!:D
I'm one of these - so I suppose hard-nosed freelancers would say 'I fell into being' a ltd, and therefore found myself as a potential freelance.
I say ‘potential’ because my time is currently governed by a string of semi-regular clients.
I think after you've tried freelancing, and enjoyed even a modicum of success, it's remarkably difficult to go back to the 9-5 workplace.
Others have confirmed this to me, but personally, much of the appeal is working/representing yourself, and knowing that ultimately, you're working for yourself.
It's also rewarding to help companies achieve their goals, but again, thanks to the freelancing model, you can claim the glory ( to an extent!) or remain semi-anonymous. Sounds like the best of both worlds to me!!
Oops - sorry Rizzo, notice you just wanted to know what motivated the great leap, not the whys and the wherefores!! :rolleyes: - Working is mainly about earning money - so why not earn more and pay less tax? Ltd Co seems to be the best route for taking more of the gross revenue home and as a freelancer you tend to get a variety of work so it is never as dull as an office job 😃
- Lots of reasons - the main ones are in your list Rizzo 😃
Had a day job whilst writing in the evenings, and finally got sick to death of office politics and the bitching and backbiting. Who needs it! sheesh!! Finally took the plunge and now a full time freelancer. Working from home? great. Pick and choose what I want to work on? great. Organise my own schedule? yeah! Do the thing I most love - writing? fabuloso. Dunno about earning loads of dosh yet - still building up a client base.:rolleyes:
Once I'm properly on my feet and running, am thinking about the Ltd Co thing. Sounds like a good idea to me. -
Mine was necessity. Employer went bust, so got thrown into freelancing as a way to make ends meet initially.Rizzo, post: 64 a écrit : If I can suss out how this poll thing works I thought it might be interesting to see the different reasons why we all chose to make the leap into going it alone.. any other reasons let us know in a sep post, be interesting to hear.
Not looked back and certainly wouldn't change things now!
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