Find your next tech and IT Job or contract Research Engineer

The Research Engineer is responsible for coordinating studies related to the development of new products, in accordance with the specifications defined in the requirements document. He thus participates in the development, implementation or improvement of IT solutions (applications, ERP, third-party products, etc.). The Research Engineer can also create prototypes, write specifications, perform acceptance testing or coordinate technical teams. Often called project manager, he is the one who interfaces between clients and various company departments (sales, marketing, research and development, manufacturing and testing). The Research Engineer can aspire to be promoted to Technical Director or Production Director.



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Frequently asked questions about working as a Research Engineer

What is the role of a Research Engineer

The research engineer is the professional involved in all stages of implementing a technical project. He is present at all stages of product design... From the first phase of manufacturing, he handles mockups and prototyping. He also actively participates in the different phases of product improvement. He reports to a department head and generally works in a design office or in a large institution such as the CNRS.

How much does a Research Engineer charge

The daily rate of a research engineer is around 400 euros. Obviously, this depends on the sector in question. The salary for an entry-level research engineer varies between £2,200 and £2,800 per month at the beginning of their career.

What is the definition of a Research Engineer

The research engineer serves as project manager in the company. He works either in a large corporation or in a design office. The objective of his work within the company is to monitor, ensure proper project coordination as well as the improvement of a construction site or product. As an expert, he plays a major role in the company as he creates the link between different branches in the product's design and production process (marketing, research department, sales, development...). Note that the research engineer must follow and comply with specifications. It is his role to formulate the right recommendations to his collaborators to successfully complete the project.

What type of mission can a Research Engineer handle

The research engineer handles various tasks within the company. He acts as a true project manager among other roles. Below are his main duties: • Coordinates studies related to the development of new projects (products, services...) • Ensures monitoring of the design process to ensure everything complies with specifications defined in the requirements document • Collaborates with research engineers from other sectors (to establish a complete product study) • Responsible for the entire execution of a project (creates prototypes, tests and controls...)

What are the main skills of a Research Engineer

The research engineer must have the following skills: • Good command of English • Production and project management • Analysis of specifications • Communication techniques • Have good knowledge of the project development field (electrical engineering, electronics, computer science or networks...)

What is the ideal profile for a Research Engineer

The personal qualities that a good research engineer must have are numerous. Here are some of the essential ones for this position: • Team work mindset • Advanced technical knowledge • Stress management • Creativity and innovation • Adaptability • Good communication • Rigorous and methodical

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