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London, England, United Kingdom
Corporate / Direct Employer
Employer Profile — Care Quality Commission
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CQC is the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England. We monitor, inspect and regulate services and publish what we find. Where we find poor care, we will use our powers to take action.
Working in tech at CQC is more than just a job. It’s a chance to make a real difference while doing what you love.
Join our technology community at CQC
CQC is changing. Our newly-formed Technology unit is helping CQC to become a smarter, more flexible and insight-driven regulator.
The unit helps teams across CQC make the best use of technology in their work. They do this by providing high quality digital services that reflect how health and care is changing.
Join us and you could use your skills and knowledge to help us transform our organisation. You'll not only gain experience that will shape your career. Your work will impact the millions of people who use health and social care in England each day.
What we do
CQC is the independent regulator of health and social care in England.
We inspect, monitor and rate a wide range of services, including care homes, hospitals, dental services and many more.
We make sure those services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage them to improve. If we find poor care we will take action to protect people.
We also use our insight and independent voice to promote a national conversation on safety across health and care sectors and systems.
“We have a fantastic Technology team here at CQC with real passion and depth of experience. We are looking for enthusiastic and talented people to join the team as we blaze the trail in the world of smarter regulation.”- Anthony Snape Director of Technology
Our purpose and role
We’re the independent regulator of health and social care in England.
Our purpose
We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage care services to improve.
Our role
• We register care providers.
• We monitor, inspect and rate services.
• We take action to protect people who use services.
• We speak with our independent voice, publishing our views on major quality issues in health and social care.
Throughout our work we:
• Protect the rights of vulnerable people, including those restricted under the Mental Health Act.
• Listen to and act on your experiences.
• Involve the public and people who receive care
• Work with other organisations and public groups.
Our values:
• Excellence - being a high-performing organisation
• Caring - treating everyone with dignity and respect
• Integrity - doing the right thing
• Teamwork - learning from each other to be the best we can
What we offer
• Work on innovative projects that make a real difference to people using health and social care.
• Access high-quality training on leading Microsoft technologies.
• Be part of our diverse and inclusive team of talented, skilled professionals.
• Join CQC and cross-government communities of practice, where we share information, ideas and learning.
• Learn transferable skills and gain experience that will help shape your career.
"CQC provides a great working environment through values, training, support and collaborative working. Not to mention the purpose: ‘We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage care services to improve’. This is close to my heart and I love working for an organisation that can help make this happen."- Amanda Coughlan, Major Incident and Service Improvement Manager
What you could be doing
Jobs in technology range from graduate roles to senior positions, and we have specialists here of all levels and backgrounds.
Depending on your role, you will join one of four specialist teams. Each has an important role to play in shaping the future of health and social care.
Application support
• Help people across CQC to understand and use our business systems.
• Manage the process of making small changes to our business systems.
• Improve services for our users through incident, problem and change management.
• Create and carry out CQC-wide training on our business systems and the tools we use.
• Potential roles in this team include Application Support Analyst, Technology Trainer and Data Manager.
• Provide specialist advice on the technical infrastructure we need to carry out our strategy and new ways of working.
• Lead the design and build of modern, versatile technology platforms to achieve our organisation's goals.
• Embed user-centred security and service design across the organisation.
• Potential roles in this team include Solutions Architect and Enterprise Architect.
• Build, maintain and support digital solutions that achieve CQC's goals. We use several platforms including Microsoft Dynamics 365 and PowerPlatform.
• Use automated QA (quality assurance) testing to embed quality in our design and build processes. Apply QA processes in our cloud based, evergreen environment.
• Lead on digital service delivery for CQC's transformation programme. Work closely with our suppliers and partners, and test their work, making sure we are ready to push our new services live.
• Use plaform engineering and modern DevOps practices to make sure our Microsoft Azure Cloud infrastructure is secure, scalable and regularly updated.
• Potential roles in this team include DevOps Engineer, Software Engineer and Applications Development Manager.
Operational Business Services
• Provide a great hybrid working experience for everyone at CQC using effective IT systems and equipment.
• Work with our external partners to help everyone at CQC use and troubleshoot their IT systems and equipment.
• Ensure updates and changes to our systems and equipment run smoothly.
• Make sure our systems are secure, our information is protected, and risks are well managed.
• Potential roles in this team include Information Security, Accessibility and Assistive Technology Lead, and Service Delivery Manager.
"I joined the CQC in April as a graduate after completing a 13 week full-stack development program. During my first few months in the DevOps team I familiarised myself with the concept of cloud computing. I also prepared for the AZ-900 Microsoft Fundamentals exam which I sat in May. Since then, I have trained in Azure administration, Power Platform and Dynamics. I have also worked with a Senior DevOps engineer to create pipelines in Azure DevOps. I'm now learning Terraform and PowerShell and recently created my first pipeline. I have found CQC an extremely welcoming, driven and friendly place to work. And I'm excited to delve deeper into DevOps." - Bethan Vaughan, Junior DevOps Engineer
Gender equality & identity at Care Quality Commission
We have a duty to publish equality objectives to meet Equality Act 2010 regulations. These equality objectives cover 4 years, because that is in line with the regulations.
Our strategy gives us new opportunities to help reduce inequalities. Our five equality objectives are priorities and aim to help to deliver equality for:
• People who use health and social care services
• People working in health and social care
• Health and care providers that we regulate
• Our own workforce
• Carers Equality Network
CQC is committed to supporting staff with caring responsibilities.
Within CQC, we define carers as follows:
“A carer is any individual who has primary or secondary caring responsibilities for another individual, including children (under 18 years of age), relatives, family and friends”
The Carers Equality Network is a staff equality network that is committed to supporting colleagues at CQC with caring responsibilities. CQC’s Diversity and Inclusion strategy has certain aims that the staff equality networks fulfil, but we also have our own network aims.
The aims of the Carers Equality Network are:
• To channel constructive dialogue between staff and CQC as an employer, with a specific focus on carers’ issues.
• To provide access to peer support for all staff who face unpaid caring responsibilities.
• To raise line manager awareness of the issues relating to work and caring responsibilities.
• To support the role of others (such as line managers and HR staff) in signposting practical help and advice to enable staff to balance work and caring responsibilities.
Disability Equality Network:
Our goal is to make equality and diversity a core element of all things that we do.
We strive to:
• improve on Accessibility, Adaptability and Attitude by challenging views and promoting more positive images and outcomes for disabled colleagues
• challenge society's attitudes by running campaigns to educate and raise awareness of various conditions
• advocate internal learning initiatives for our managers and staff to educate and raise awareness of conditions
• influencing change to promote equality and address discrimination
• provide networking events and support for colleagues
• develop relationships with management and engage in partnership arrangements with relevant organisations.
Equality and Human Rights Network:
The equality and human rights network is about building equality and human rights into our work. The Equality and Human Rights network exists to:
• links together everyone who shares a passion and commitment to promoting human rights in their work, and who wants to tackle inequality
• is a place to share good practice, discuss and address challenges - together
• creates regular learning and discussion opportunities via events, webinars, resources and ongoing support from the equality diversity and human rights team
• can help you develop and meet your commitments to make a difference on equality and human rights, this year and in years to come
Gender Equality Network:
CQC is a good employer for women, but we want it to be an outstanding one.
The aims of the Gender Equality Network:
• Provide a collective voice on issues relating to gender equality
• Enhance peer networking and relationships
• Encourage development and leadership opportunities
• Support CQC to set the benchmark for support offered to parents before, during and after parental or adoption leave
• Create a sense of community across geographical, workplace and directorate boundaries
• Work with the other staff equality networks around issues that disproportionately impact women who identify as BME, LGBT+, disabled and carers
• Support the overall diversity and inclusion objectives of CQC.
LGBT+ Equality Network
The Care Quality Commission LGBT+ Network is a community of colleagues that aim to understand and challenge the prejudices and discrimination faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex and agender or asexual (LGBTQIA+) people.
We promote awareness of matters unique to LGBTQIA+ communities, influence policies and improve outcomes for people working at CQC. This, in turn, can have a positive influence in the way in which we regulate services, with particular consideration for LGBTQIA+ people using services.
We provided a safe, supportive environment for LGBTQIA+ colleagues and allies, and we amplify their collective voice, views, needs and aspirations.
Race Equality Network
Working strategically with CQC’s executive leadership team, we take an active role in shaping, informing and implementing our equality and human rights approach to regulation. We promote and influence race equality within CQC, aligning all of our work with our values and behaviours.
REN goals:
• Have diverse, engaging and effective events and talks for REN and CQC colleagues that intersects with other equality groups
• Continue to challenge decisions around employee development and recruitment process
• Improve the opportunities and experience of CQC Black Asian Minority and Ethnic colleagues
• Highlight and celebrate CQC colleagues’ achievements and success at every REN meeting
• Support REN colleagues in training needs.
Executive Sponsors:
All CQC equality networks have an Executive sponsor assigned to them to ensure full support is received. The role of the sponsor is to provide senior leadership commitment to the networks they are representing, act as a role model and support with any barriers they may be facing. We have developed clear roles and responsibilities for Executive Sponsors to support them with this role.
Working in tech at CQC is more than just a job. It’s a chance to make a real difference while doing what you love.
Join our technology community at CQC
CQC is changing. Our newly-formed Technology unit is helping CQC to become a smarter, more flexible and insight-driven regulator.
The unit helps teams across CQC make the best use of technology in their work. They do this by providing high quality digital services that reflect how health and care is changing.
Join us and you could use your skills and knowledge to help us transform our organisation. You'll not only gain experience that will shape your career. Your work will impact the millions of people who use health and social care in England each day.
What we do
CQC is the independent regulator of health and social care in England.
We inspect, monitor and rate a wide range of services, including care homes, hospitals, dental services and many more.
We make sure those services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage them to improve. If we find poor care we will take action to protect people.
We also use our insight and independent voice to promote a national conversation on safety across health and care sectors and systems.
“We have a fantastic Technology team here at CQC with real passion and depth of experience. We are looking for enthusiastic and talented people to join the team as we blaze the trail in the world of smarter regulation.”- Anthony Snape Director of Technology
Our purpose and role
We’re the independent regulator of health and social care in England.
Our purpose
We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage care services to improve.
Our role
• We register care providers.
• We monitor, inspect and rate services.
• We take action to protect people who use services.
• We speak with our independent voice, publishing our views on major quality issues in health and social care.
Throughout our work we:
• Protect the rights of vulnerable people, including those restricted under the Mental Health Act.
• Listen to and act on your experiences.
• Involve the public and people who receive care
• Work with other organisations and public groups.
Our values:
• Excellence - being a high-performing organisation
• Caring - treating everyone with dignity and respect
• Integrity - doing the right thing
• Teamwork - learning from each other to be the best we can
What we offer
• Work on innovative projects that make a real difference to people using health and social care.
• Access high-quality training on leading Microsoft technologies.
• Be part of our diverse and inclusive team of talented, skilled professionals.
• Join CQC and cross-government communities of practice, where we share information, ideas and learning.
• Learn transferable skills and gain experience that will help shape your career.
"CQC provides a great working environment through values, training, support and collaborative working. Not to mention the purpose: ‘We make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage care services to improve’. This is close to my heart and I love working for an organisation that can help make this happen."- Amanda Coughlan, Major Incident and Service Improvement Manager
What you could be doing
Jobs in technology range from graduate roles to senior positions, and we have specialists here of all levels and backgrounds.
Depending on your role, you will join one of four specialist teams. Each has an important role to play in shaping the future of health and social care.
Application support
• Help people across CQC to understand and use our business systems.
• Manage the process of making small changes to our business systems.
• Improve services for our users through incident, problem and change management.
• Create and carry out CQC-wide training on our business systems and the tools we use.
• Potential roles in this team include Application Support Analyst, Technology Trainer and Data Manager.
• Provide specialist advice on the technical infrastructure we need to carry out our strategy and new ways of working.
• Lead the design and build of modern, versatile technology platforms to achieve our organisation's goals.
• Embed user-centred security and service design across the organisation.
• Potential roles in this team include Solutions Architect and Enterprise Architect.
• Build, maintain and support digital solutions that achieve CQC's goals. We use several platforms including Microsoft Dynamics 365 and PowerPlatform.
• Use automated QA (quality assurance) testing to embed quality in our design and build processes. Apply QA processes in our cloud based, evergreen environment.
• Lead on digital service delivery for CQC's transformation programme. Work closely with our suppliers and partners, and test their work, making sure we are ready to push our new services live.
• Use plaform engineering and modern DevOps practices to make sure our Microsoft Azure Cloud infrastructure is secure, scalable and regularly updated.
• Potential roles in this team include DevOps Engineer, Software Engineer and Applications Development Manager.
Operational Business Services
• Provide a great hybrid working experience for everyone at CQC using effective IT systems and equipment.
• Work with our external partners to help everyone at CQC use and troubleshoot their IT systems and equipment.
• Ensure updates and changes to our systems and equipment run smoothly.
• Make sure our systems are secure, our information is protected, and risks are well managed.
• Potential roles in this team include Information Security, Accessibility and Assistive Technology Lead, and Service Delivery Manager.
"I joined the CQC in April as a graduate after completing a 13 week full-stack development program. During my first few months in the DevOps team I familiarised myself with the concept of cloud computing. I also prepared for the AZ-900 Microsoft Fundamentals exam which I sat in May. Since then, I have trained in Azure administration, Power Platform and Dynamics. I have also worked with a Senior DevOps engineer to create pipelines in Azure DevOps. I'm now learning Terraform and PowerShell and recently created my first pipeline. I have found CQC an extremely welcoming, driven and friendly place to work. And I'm excited to delve deeper into DevOps." - Bethan Vaughan, Junior DevOps Engineer
Gender equality & identity at Care Quality Commission
We have a duty to publish equality objectives to meet Equality Act 2010 regulations. These equality objectives cover 4 years, because that is in line with the regulations.
Our strategy gives us new opportunities to help reduce inequalities. Our five equality objectives are priorities and aim to help to deliver equality for:
• People who use health and social care services
• People working in health and social care
• Health and care providers that we regulate
• Our own workforce
• Carers Equality Network
CQC is committed to supporting staff with caring responsibilities.
Within CQC, we define carers as follows:
“A carer is any individual who has primary or secondary caring responsibilities for another individual, including children (under 18 years of age), relatives, family and friends”
The Carers Equality Network is a staff equality network that is committed to supporting colleagues at CQC with caring responsibilities. CQC’s Diversity and Inclusion strategy has certain aims that the staff equality networks fulfil, but we also have our own network aims.
The aims of the Carers Equality Network are:
• To channel constructive dialogue between staff and CQC as an employer, with a specific focus on carers’ issues.
• To provide access to peer support for all staff who face unpaid caring responsibilities.
• To raise line manager awareness of the issues relating to work and caring responsibilities.
• To support the role of others (such as line managers and HR staff) in signposting practical help and advice to enable staff to balance work and caring responsibilities.
Disability Equality Network:
Our goal is to make equality and diversity a core element of all things that we do.
We strive to:
• improve on Accessibility, Adaptability and Attitude by challenging views and promoting more positive images and outcomes for disabled colleagues
• challenge society's attitudes by running campaigns to educate and raise awareness of various conditions
• advocate internal learning initiatives for our managers and staff to educate and raise awareness of conditions
• influencing change to promote equality and address discrimination
• provide networking events and support for colleagues
• develop relationships with management and engage in partnership arrangements with relevant organisations.
Equality and Human Rights Network:
The equality and human rights network is about building equality and human rights into our work. The Equality and Human Rights network exists to:
• links together everyone who shares a passion and commitment to promoting human rights in their work, and who wants to tackle inequality
• is a place to share good practice, discuss and address challenges - together
• creates regular learning and discussion opportunities via events, webinars, resources and ongoing support from the equality diversity and human rights team
• can help you develop and meet your commitments to make a difference on equality and human rights, this year and in years to come
Gender Equality Network:
CQC is a good employer for women, but we want it to be an outstanding one.
The aims of the Gender Equality Network:
• Provide a collective voice on issues relating to gender equality
• Enhance peer networking and relationships
• Encourage development and leadership opportunities
• Support CQC to set the benchmark for support offered to parents before, during and after parental or adoption leave
• Create a sense of community across geographical, workplace and directorate boundaries
• Work with the other staff equality networks around issues that disproportionately impact women who identify as BME, LGBT+, disabled and carers
• Support the overall diversity and inclusion objectives of CQC.
LGBT+ Equality Network
The Care Quality Commission LGBT+ Network is a community of colleagues that aim to understand and challenge the prejudices and discrimination faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex and agender or asexual (LGBTQIA+) people.
We promote awareness of matters unique to LGBTQIA+ communities, influence policies and improve outcomes for people working at CQC. This, in turn, can have a positive influence in the way in which we regulate services, with particular consideration for LGBTQIA+ people using services.
We provided a safe, supportive environment for LGBTQIA+ colleagues and allies, and we amplify their collective voice, views, needs and aspirations.
Race Equality Network
Working strategically with CQC’s executive leadership team, we take an active role in shaping, informing and implementing our equality and human rights approach to regulation. We promote and influence race equality within CQC, aligning all of our work with our values and behaviours.
REN goals:
• Have diverse, engaging and effective events and talks for REN and CQC colleagues that intersects with other equality groups
• Continue to challenge decisions around employee development and recruitment process
• Improve the opportunities and experience of CQC Black Asian Minority and Ethnic colleagues
• Highlight and celebrate CQC colleagues’ achievements and success at every REN meeting
• Support REN colleagues in training needs.
Executive Sponsors:
All CQC equality networks have an Executive sponsor assigned to them to ensure full support is received. The role of the sponsor is to provide senior leadership commitment to the networks they are representing, act as a role model and support with any barriers they may be facing. We have developed clear roles and responsibilities for Executive Sponsors to support them with this role.