I like much of your work, my favourites are sorrow of socks/little red riding hood/calender pages...
Looks like you need a little more experience though, your work shows you are still at the start of your career, but have lots of potential.
Get ready for a hard few years as a freelancer, Paul - it is more difficult than you might think, and tests the mettle of the most enthusiastic designer.
Keep up the good work - try to check DAILY on sites such as this one for any work.
Do you need a website? That is the easiest way to direct people to your work - a web address on a business card.
Or, how about a business card that is also a CD with a slideshow of your work on it? How impressive would that be, and most people will be inclined to keep it than throw it away like a regular card.
I can help you with both, should you need any assistance - good luck!
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