Thanks sooo much for your reply, much appreciated! Is this cost including amends for the design etc or do you have a certain cost for client amends added onto this?
I wonder, actually whether most people charge a flat fee for all work. Do they have an hourly rate and estimate how long it would take, giving the client the total price? Pretty new to all this, I think more research might be needed!
Not been on here for a while but I wonder if I can get some advice about how I should charge for a designing a logo. I have quoted a certain price per hour but I have spent far too long designing one of my recent logos because I struggled with ideas and concepts to begin with. I wonder whether it would be better to have a fixed price for designing a logo rather than charge by the hour.
Is there anyone out there who charges a fixed price and if so, how much?
its been a while since i've logged on...I have been asked to design a simple website which is going to include a home page and about nine other pages.....I have been asked to give an idea of hours it will take, though and as I have only done my own site, it is difficult to estimate...Is there anyone who could give me some advice? How do you think I should go about quoting this? I have told them my hourly rate.
They are going to supply me with images etc but they are open to design ideas.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thanks, thats useful. Its all rather complicated eh? Nevermind. As it happens someone else suggested setting up a separate account. I will go and do that tommorro.
:eek2 Hi there,
I have not yet registered my company as I was tole when I rang HM revenue that I should register once I have my first piece of work. I have now completed my first project and recieved a cheque but it is addressed to my company name rather than me. I feel like I have got myself into hot water and I am not sure what to do. Maybe I should have used my name rather than a separate company name. I have also placed a local advert to gain work.
Have you tried GF Smith? I managed to get quite a few from them when I was a student. They will probably just supply you with swatches so that you can get an idea of the texture/colour. Is this what you require? I am sure there are loads of samples I have at home but the company names have escaped me. Might have to get back to you about any other possibilities.
Sounds like a good idea. Do you think £20 sounds about right for a freelance beginner? Also, do you get the proofs done professionally and pay or do you have a printer which you use at you convenience?
Yes thanks for that. I was thinking of starting at £20 per hour. It is interesting to find out what other people charge and it was interesting to find out about the free amends etc. I expect that clients make a lot of changes though. Do you make ALL amends free or within reason?
Was just wondering how much you are charging for your services as I am just starting out. Feel free to email me if you would rather not discuss on here.
I have been reading the various questions concerning registering with HM revenue and it is something which I need help on too. I am currently trying to get some freelance work in graphic design but I have not yet got any. I am assuming that I would be classed as a sole trader if I get some work? Do I need to register straight away or do I try and develop some clients first?
On the HM revenue site it mentions that I will pay tax once i reach the 'threshold'. I don't really have much understanding on how/when/if to register. Any help on how I should proceed would be much appreaciated .
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