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Registered since : 21 January 2008

Forum : General Forum
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Posted reply 16 March 2008 23:18

Hi ruz

i kind of had a similar situation to one extent regarding timescales...

it was a very big client for their sector...the best, i was happy to get the contract. it started over xmas holidays, they wanted 3 packaging designs, 2 8 page product catalogues and a new logo for a product...all in a week. Anyway, i did not want to disapoint...so i worked day and night on this and did as required with a lot of effort.

they never get back to me when needed, then at the last minute, theyw ant a whole heap of work done in 2 days, and thats no exageration...so i still tried...but then, problem is...one guy says he wants one thing...so i do it, then 2nd guy says no and says wat he wants,,, but 3rd gy doesnt like it, he says wat he want...and so on, i was wasting so much time. I asked them, why cant all 3 of u get together and decide then tell me...one guy said, 'thats not ever going to happen.'

This made me angry ...insaneeeee

i went to meet them, i told them by you guys messing me around, im losing more money and time on other clients and told them its better if they find another designer.

sorry about spelling and punctuatin...sunday night and being quick lol
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Views: 1552

Posted reply 20 February 2008 06:25

thanks guys

appreciate it
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Views: 1552

Posted reply 19 February 2008 13:11

what do the professional designers on here do if a potential client or a lead asks for a sample

eg: they need a ogo for their web company, i showed them over 25 logo samples of my other projects so they get a sense of style....yet they asked for me to send them samples of logos for their own company.

do any of you bother with these people who just want concepts for free and can then take your idea or do you just let them know this isnt how you work.


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