
being messsed about?

I signed a 6 month contract with a company and was supposed to have 6 milestones of a month each.

Instead what has a happened is that they have failed to check/approve the work for the first month on time and were 1 month late paying me.

Now the second block of work is 'not' ready for me to do and I am sitting twiddling my thumbs.

Do you think I should pull out of this contract. I really feel that there is not really six months of work for me , more like 3 and I am losing out financially.

I have addressed my concerns to this company, but they have been very
vague and not redone the schedule/ contract to compensate for the money I am losing.
Another scenario is that I will end up dong 2 blocks of work( 8 weeks of work) in about 3 weeks to meet their deadlines and redresss the schedule.
Still sitting here waiting for them to get back to me.

Its seems to me that for example if the contract for 6 months was worth 20,000 quid, I am only being drip fed work worth say 10,000 quid for the duration of the contract.
Where do i stand legallly here?
This is my first freelance gig and already its been a bit of a nightmare.
Would have preferred to start on a positive note and don't want to get a bad reputation in my industry if I pull out


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