We did an A5 160pp book back in 2001. It was B/W throughout with a 16pp colour section in the middle which we charged the client at £1020.
Not sure if this helps.
We also charged £520 recently for a 64pp book but that was just text throughout plus we tried to keep the cost down as we were trying to win the client for other work which worked!
I am in the process of starting out as a freelancer in my spare time and going to put together a website for myself. However I have no work i can put on my portfolio page (because its all been done through the place I work at so can't really use).
There's nothing to say I can't make up a few company names with logos and brochure etc and pretend they were real jobs, i know this will take time but I feel its important to have some sort of portfolio.
I'm interested in what people think and what you did when you were just starting out.
Hi Gill
Thanks for the advice, that was another concern of mine not being in proper contact with the clients during working hours.
I think for now i just wanted to start up something small with maybe a website for advertisement and take it from there, just to earn a little extra cash and see how things develop.
I would love to leave the company and throw everything i've got at making it work but i just couldn't afford to do that right now! Not a perfect way of doing things but nevermind.
Any advice on starting up ie tax issues etc and do you need some form of insurance? Touch wood our company has never been taken to court over a job but not too sure how it works if we were!
I'm probably jumping the gun with that question but good to know all the facts first!
Hi there
I am a graphic designer and have worked at the same company for 10 years and want to now try freelancing however I can't afford to give up the job just yet. My contract says nothing about freelancing.
Am I allowed to become a freelancer while working?
Do I need to declare it to my current boss?
and if not is it a sackable offence if found out?
Thanks for your help
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