
Advice/opinion please



Messages count : 2
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Registration : 16 November 2011
Contact in PM
One of my clients is a large company who will not pay me an hourly rate: every job has to be negotiated. I have recently completed a large job for this company. The fee I agreed to was not as much I really wanted but I would still have accepted the job, even at their initial offer. Having completed the job, I realise that the hourly rate was quite low: the work took longer than I had hoped for. I am considering informing my contact of the time I took for the job and asking, politely, if any more money is available for this job. I do not want to make an issue of this. This is the largest freelance job that I have ever had, but the work I do for this company is not my main source of income. I have not invoiced yet. Is there any harm in asking my contact for a little more money or at least making her aware of the time that the job actually took me? Any advice on how to handle this would be appreciated.

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