New Online Writing Business
I have recently set up an on-line writing business, which I am looking to make my primary source of income. It largely focuses on letter writing, but I intend that web writing and articles form part of the overall range of services. I have, for example, produced pieces for several newsletters over the years. I am prepared to tackle anything.
For those of you who have been doing this sort of thing for a long time, I will always listen to any sound advice you wish to give.
I have recently set up an on-line writing business, which I am looking to make my primary source of income. It largely focuses on letter writing, but I intend that web writing and articles form part of the overall range of services. I have, for example, produced pieces for several newsletters over the years. I am prepared to tackle anything.
For those of you who have been doing this sort of thing for a long time, I will always listen to any sound advice you wish to give.
- Hey im curious to see what your whole business setup is. Who is your target market? Needless to say you would have a very fine way of organizing your work.
- New Online Business
Many thanks for your reply. I don't know if you have had a look at the website, but its aim is to provide an on-line letter writing service for people out there on a wide range of matters: appeals against school decisions, parking fines, complaints about service or products, product and service promotion, letters to the media etc. It is based on the assumption that a lot of people, however successful in their own lives, find such a task very difficult. There is precedent for this on the Internet in the sense that there is a man who has appeared on TV providing a letter writing service on just one of the above issues.
Having said that, I am also offering on the site to do web writing and articles (I have had some journalistic training). I would do whatever research is needed to write a piece. I'm not graphically minded, so designing a website or page would not be my niche. However, aware that many people designing a website may struggle with putting together lots of words describing what they do, that is where I could help.
My website is shown on my topletters profile. Do have a look.
Kind regards