publishing your work
If I were to compile a book containing 1 peice of everyones best work with there name and a breif description ie. date - client - description. Then had it made up and sold it back to you as an entire book thus publishing your work, who would be interested?
A good peice to show at an interview.
A good peice to show at an interview.
- Contact in PM
Messages count : 30Likes count : 0Registration : 17 April 2007Sounds like a promising idea but I think it would be quite expensive to create a quality looking publication. Would you just put everyones work in regardless of quality? I wouldnt buy a book if it contained a low standard of work just because I had an image inside. The other consideration is that although it was published it wouldnt get any significant exposure, just among fellow freelances and thus wont provide any sinificant benefits.
The reason I feel quite strongly is down to the fact my work was to feature in and as the cover artwork of a book called Branded and it got pulled because the market is consumed by big companies publishing many design books.
Just a few thoughts. - Contact in PM
Messages count : 34Likes count : 0Registration : 18 June 2007I have good contacts on the print side of things, and yes of course it will only contain the crem-de-la-crem of the artwork. It will be distributed around colleges and universitys. But I need to see how many people will get on board and put there work forward, thanks. - Contact in PM
Messages count : 30Likes count : 0Registration : 17 April 2007I would say it would better as an online distributed book, from my point of view colleges and universities hold no benefits for me as a business prospect. - Contact in PM
Messages count : 34Likes count : 0Registration : 18 June 2007where would you like to see it distributed & to who? thanks - Contact in PM
Messages count : 30Likes count : 0Registration : 17 April 2007The general public through high profile distribution roots such as Waterstones, Amazon etc. People often use these as reference books including large consultancies as a way of finding a designer who suits the style of there company or next job, so the easier it is to get the higher the chances of achieving work from it.
Obviously I dont know how much it is to publish a book but I think your idea of funding it privately is a really good idea.
I would be interested in helping and contributing. - Contact in PM
Messages count : 34Likes count : 0Registration : 18 June 2007Ok so this is more a show of hands to see if its feasable, im not after a proffit just so long as I can cover printing and distribution costs with people whos work will be showcased buying the books firstly. If this takes off of course I will approch retail outlets.
So all intereseted say 'I'
:rollin - Contact in PM
Calibre Designs
Messages count : 14Likes count : 0Registration : 17 September 2007Publishing
Would it only be for graphic design? Else what other areas of design?
What would the costs be approx?
Kay - Contact in PM
Messages count : 34Likes count : 0Registration : 18 June 2007no its open to everyone, photography, illustration, packaging, advertising 3D Design etc.............. - Contact in PM
Messages count : 11Likes count : 0Registration : 1 October 2007I it would contain everything, wouldnt that be a bit too much? Why not focus on one aspect. One alone could give way for lots of sample works. - Contact in PM
Messages count : 34Likes count : 0Registration : 18 June 2007Thought I would open it up maybe set in chapters ie a section for graphics, a section for photography etc. Just need to see who would contribute before i start compling.