
Small buisness need to establish and begin growth

Hello everybody, i am new here. Could i ask about best way to increase my e-sale? Here is my story:
My company is placed in Poland, we producing uniqe metal juliet balconies and other railings. The products are very good quality and low prices. I try to find my customers also in U.K., first what comes to my mind was e-bay. So i have some listings on ebay and ebay-shop as trade mark "Brodzinski_Manufactory" but i cant establish my sale on rewarding level. Is there any other way to boost my sale or could some on promote my products on U.K. market for the future profit reward? I realy dont know reality of U.K. market and mentality of customers. I lookin for some on who is familiar with u.k. marketing secrets. For now my sale is like 1-2 juliet balcony per week, i would love to increase it by duble or triple.
If you have some advise for me, go ahead. I dont looking for cheep advertisement so i wont pase any links to my products. If some one i curious what we offer feel free to ask.
Thank you and frogive me my english.

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