Find your next tech and IT Job or contract Technical Architect in Holborn
The technical architect is an important link in a company's organization. They are responsible for defining its technical architecture and ensuring its evolution over time. They may also be asked to evaluate a company's performance and improve it. To do this, they conduct audits of computer systems.
The result of this analysis allows them to establish a company restructuring plan. Additionally, the technical architect can support an existing team within the company and provide them with technical support.
To successfully carry out all the missions entrusted to them, the technical architect must develop skills that will be essential. Their skills are also an argument for obtaining a better salary in a company or imposing their fee structure when working as a freelancer. For an expert whose ambition is to become a freelancer in the long term, it is mandatory to develop habits that enable success with this status. These include the ability to prospect for clients, meet deadlines imposed by clients, etc.
Check out the latest IT & tech jobs in Holborn, a central London area known for legal tech and consultancy roles.
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