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Nous sommes à la recherche d’un profil SAP BC avec 3 à 5 ans d’expérience.
Démarrage avril
Lieu IDF plus 2 jours de télétravail
Durée 6 mois renouvelables
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· Pour les sociétés, merci de préciser si votre consultant est salarié de votre société
Skills : Technical run exploitation, release management
The client has finished a major program to renovate its IS, on the basis of a common SAP solution for six of its French entities addressing the areas of Finance and Management Control, Manufacturing, Sales Administration and Logistics, Customer Services, Purchasing and Export Control.
The SAP landscape contain a lot of SAP applications included BW, CRM, Fiori, and so on.
Deployment phase was finished 2 years ago, we are now operating the IMS.
Within the framework of this context, the main activities of the Squad are:
- Participate in the run of the solution IMS
- Participate in the configuration and preparation of environments
- Participate in technical tests and problem solving
- Produce, validate and capitalize on certain deliverables (configuration documents, detailed technical specifications, test assets, changeover plan, etc.)
- Guarantee the respect of the methods and tools of the program
in the implementation of the solution (Variation at the domain level)
- Report the progress of the work entrusted to the domain level.
The following tasks will be performed on all nonproductive environments and in production environments:
- Initialization of environments
- Technical settings
- Transport management
- Monitoring
- User administrations
- Performance analysis
- Technical project management
- Troubleshooting of technical production incident
Management of release management on the acceptance environment (transport and configuration)
Management of release management on the integration environment (transport and configuration)
Management of the release management on the pre-production environment (transport and configuration)
Management of the release management on the production environment (transport and configuration)
Initialization and release management of TMA environments (transport and configuration)
Monitoring and Reporting of the progress of the activity
Profil recherché
Recherche un profil SAP BC avec 3 à 5 ans d'expérience pour intervenir chez un client en idf avec 2 jours en télétravail. pour une période de 6 mois min.
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